Laurel Schwulst, Critic in Graphic Design
Laurel Schwulst (b. 1988) is a designer, artist, writer, educator, and technologist. She is recognized for her experiential projects-as-worlds, her expanded writing practice, her creative direction leadership, her websites, her innovative learning materials and educational environments, and her ongoing collaborations. Her writing (published in venues including The New York Times, The Creative Independent, and Art in America) has taken the form of essays, perfume reviews, and interviews with other artists. For over a decade, she has taught award-winning design classes and workshops (at universities including Yale and Princeton), and has presented internationally at cultural, academic, and internet-native institutions (at venues including BBC Radio 4, RISD, University of Seoul, Google, and Wikipedia). Laurel currently lives in New York City, serves as director of the gift shop at (a platform for networked curation), and is working towards a “PBS of the Internet.”
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Last edited by: Lindsey Mancini
Edit access: Staff, Faculty
Laurel’s past classes taught at Yale:
- 2013 Spring, Interactive Design
- 2014 Spring, Interactive Design
- 2014 Fall, Interactive Concrete Poetry
- 2015 Spring, Interactive Design
- 2016 Summer, Interactive Design
- 2017 Spring, Interactive Design
- 2018 Spring, Interactive Design
- 2019 Spring, Interactive Design
- 2019 Fall, Programming as Writing
- 2020 Fall, Writing as Metadata
- 2021 Fall, Metadata as Poetry
- 2021 Fall, Wind and Computers
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Last edited by: Laurel Schwulst
Edit access: Everybody